Benefice na Strahově

10.09.2012 09:24

Dne 9.9.2012 proběhla na Strahově benefice občanského sdružení Outdoors Riders ve prospěch dětí s autismem.


V úvodu přivítal účastníky moderátor Ondřej Hrůza a přivítal i Olivera  Shokouh, zakladatele Love Ride Foundation, která benefici Love Ride organizuje v USA již 29 let. Oliver seznámil účastníky s historií Love Ride a pozdravil všechny motorkáře i veřejnost. Následovalo představení Manniho, člena Oliverova klubu UGLY motorcycle klub, který organizuje charitativní akce po celém světě již několik desetiletí.


Předseda sdružení Radek Kriegler v úvodu představil činnost občanského sdružení Outdoors Riders od roku 2008, seznámil účastníky s historií projektu a důvody proč se sdružení rozhodlo podpořit děti s autismem. Daník , dítě s Aspergerovým syndromem, se s námi podělil o jeho životní zkušenosti a později se také zúčastnil vyjížďky v sedle motocylu Manniho. Simona Votyová, PR managerka APLA Praha představila problematiku práce s dětmi s poruchou autistického spektra.


Dopolední hudební program okořenily kapely Steve Charles a Faketown, poté se již několik desítek motocyklů seřadilo k vyjížďce, která vedla ulicemi Prahy a do jejího blízkého okolí. Daník i vozíčkářka Šárka Holasová a handicapovaní motorkáři se sdružení Adrenalin bez bariér  v čele kolony si vyjížďku hodně užili, doprovod zajistila Policie ČR.


V odpoledním programovém bloku se vystřídaly hudební produkce vynikající hradecké kapely K2  a  skupiny Gate Crasher, následovala autogramiáda známého herce Martina Stránského a zakladatele Love Ride Olivera Shokouh. Program pokračoval vydražením obrazu Marilyn Monroe od Johan Art, podařilo se blíže představit práci občanského sdružení APLA Praha prostřednictvím paní Čáslavské, ředitelky sdružení APLA.


Hard Rock Cafe  Praha přispělo výtěžkem z dobrovolného vstupného na koncert skupiny Frank Trier v rámci Afterparty, společnost Dream Cars výtěžkem za svezení v Caterhamu. Účastníci měli možnost se seznámit s produkty firmy Bezpečně na motorce. Akci produkčně zajistila firma Mili Šimčáková a sdružení Outdoors Riders.


Celkový výtěžek benefice zde.


Rádi bychom poděkovali partnerům, kteří přispěli k úspěšné realizaci benefice - více zde:


Články z benefice zde: .


Celková fotogalerie zde:






English version - results 2012 


Motorcycle riders supported kids with autism

September 12,2012
Strong machines, solid rock music and everything for the good cause! Motorcycle riders on shiny Harley Davidson motorcycles and all other brands as well arrived to Strahov to support kids with autism.
On Sunday September 9th, just slightly before lunch the strong engines of beautiful motorcycles had been fired and started to move on Rally which was lead by Oliver Shokouh, the founder of american Love Ride Foundation and Radek Kriegler, founder of Outdoors Riders - motorcyclists in Czech Republic who help those less fortunate. Kids with autism and handicapped people on the wheelchairs had participated as passengers as well as leaders of the rally.
Dream of many boys is to have a ride on Harley Davidson motorcycle and this dream came true for example to Danik Kozeluh, who has Asperger Syndrome. "We arrived here from Pilsen, Danik could not wait to have a ride, it is for him a great day " disclosed his mother. Some kids with autism did not have enough courage to sit on the motorcycle and to be a part of rally as passengers, but they were also interested in rally and admired those who were part of it.
The purpose of the charity ride was to bring attention of public to the fact that every 110 child is born with autism.
"Kids in the school are cruel to me because I am different" said  Danik on stage by shaked voice, when he wanted to talk about autism.
"If people would know more about autism, they would understand, that person with this diagnosis has different thinking, different social habits and for those reasons it is important to treat them differently. Every event which will help to publicize autism is for our organization a big help" stated Simona Votyova, PR manager of APLA PRAGUE Member of Autism Europe.
I hope, that this event will become tradition, which will be well recognized in public awareness in the whole Czech Republic. Ride on the motorcycle is for me a symbolic, it is symbol of freedom and that is also what we try to achieve in our day to day work -  independence and freedom of people with autism" stated Magdalena Čáslavská, director of APLA.
Oliver Shokouh, the father of  motorcycle charity events all over the world, founder of famous Love Ride Foundation in Glendale Los Angeles  shared his impressions from the event: "I am glad I could help out Radek by my personal presence at this event. I know him since 2007 and I am aware of the fact that he established this ride on Love Ride concept and it was his dream since 2007. I am glad that his efforts resulted in establishing charity ride for those less fortunate in Prague and that this charity ride will countinously grow with the help of all bikers."
Program of the charity event was spiced by rock bands, rides in Caterham of Dream Cars and auction of the painting of Marilyn Monroe which was created during the day by young artist from Johan ART. Hard Rock Cafe Prague donated outcome of Afterparty event.

The outcome of event in the amount of 43 826,- czk (2 300 USD) was donated to APLA Prague (Autism Speaks in Czech Republic) member of Autism Europe for programs of early care.

Photogalerry here.


About Outdoors Riders organization:


Outdoors Riders is non profit organization of motorcycle riders and their supporters, which follows the tradition of Love Ride USA established by Mr. Oliver Shokouh, and by charity ride and  fundraising helps those less fortunate. In the 2008 - 2012 there was 5 year moto traveller cycle organized by Outdoors Riders for people on the wheelchairs to all continents. .